Over the next 15 years, Logan is predicted to be one of the fastest growing areas in South East Queensland. With rapid urban growth and land use intensification, the role of public space is increasingly significant in community liveability, resilience and sustainability for residents. The experience of public space is not only different for diverse residents, but changes over time as new technologies are developed, the climate changes and with global health concerns such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The success of existing public space maintenance and new public space planning and design requires an understanding of how spaces are used, what public life they support and their evolving social, political, environmental, and economic context.
The Master of Urban Design and Development UDAD7006 studio held in Semester 2, 2022 focuses on public life in Logan. Students in this course speculate on future scenarios for urban habitation of streets in Logan and develop responses to global challenges such as climate change, population increase, automation, waste, conflict, inequality and diminishing resources. Observational and desktop research grounds the formulation of future scenarios and alternative visions for Logan. The course emphasises the importance of scale and the role of visualisation and persuasive argumentation in developing urban design propositions. In Week 03 of the course, August 12-13, students undertook a Public Space Public Life study in Logan over a weekday and weekend day to document the quality, type and measurements of the physical fabric of public space alongside the quality and quantity of public life. Findings from the studio will support future research projects in collaboration with Logan City Council.
The aim of this course is to embed practical training into real-world problem solving for transformational learning. As a course co-ordinator, I do not position myself as an expert, but rather a facilitator who is journeying alongside students to explore concepts within a micro learning community. Expert guests are invited to the studio to collaborate with students on topical workshops that helps them practice different design, problem solving, strategic thinking and communication techniques. As a group we’re open to experimentation and are continually learning new ideas and ways of framing complex problems and practicing innovative ways of sharing our insights. Deep respect for one another and what we have to offer is critical in this studio.